Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Slow Seduction

There is an art to seduction that I am learning through trial and error...mostly error.  It is not about the end result, but the process that is key to acquiring your end result...whatever that might be.  Seduction requires incredible amounts of patience...a quality I have poorly lacked in the past.  Maybe that is why these lessons in seduction are so painful.  I am having to learn patience!  Dang it!

I am the type that tends to want it now.  In the last couple of years, I have received many lessons in patience.  Because of these lessons, I am a more patient person - in general.  However, I still have a ways to go when it comes to patience in romance and specifically seduction.

My head is clogged with a head cold at the moment so I am not thinking clearly...in fact, I am thinking quite slowly.  Hmmm....could this be a key to slow seduction...thinking slowly?

Okay girls...most of you have been there.  You meet a guy you really like.  You want him damnit!  But you blow it because you move too fast, give in too early, act too desperate, call too many times...blah, blah, blah.  By the way, men do the same thing sometimes - if they really like the woman.  They just can't contain their need and want and excitement for her.  All are guilty. 

Patience is the answer...simple patience...waiting with a calm expectation that all will turn out as you wish.  Easier said than done.  We want to control the situation to speed it up a bit.  Well, that just messes everything up.  It really does.

Slow and steady, as the say, will get you where you want to go.

And that's the "naked" truth!

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