Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's Been A While: A Long Story with a Point

Hello fellow followers and those who just stop by out of curiosity!

Yes, I have been away a while.  Time to begin again...in many ways.

I got engaged on New Year's Eve 2010...right before 2011.  That ended quickly...like in February 2011.
Ha!  He was my high school first puppy love guy.  He found me on Facebook - the place to find anyone who is no one - after 20 something years!  He was living just a few miles from me in a town further north.  He had been there for about 4 years unbeknownst to me.  It will be one year this October 2011 since I was "found."

We grew up in the same home town and graduated high school together.  He apparently had fallen in love with me in Junior High - or Middle School - as they call it now...I just dated myself....anyway....back to the story.  Okay, so he left for the military right after graduation.  By that time, I had already dumped him for the superintendent's son.  That really hurt him and broke his heart.  He then became very vengeful and did some really mean things to me for dumping him.  However, on graduation night I forgave him.  We parted ways.  

He fought in Dessert Storm..(dating myself again)...and even sent me a little vial with desert sand....sweet.  We wrote on and off over the years.  He continued in the military (infantry) for 20 years...fought in all the major wars you can name and then some.  I kinda had a feeling he still had a flame for me.  I married, he married twice and divorced twice, had a child, then I had a child and divorced.  Did you follow?  And then we met after all these years...He was looking good for his age...most men really go down hill after age 40.  He was lifting weights and taking relatively good care of himself...the smoking and drinking didn't help - but oh well...he had muscles!  That balances out the other bad habits....kinda.  Okay, his big chest and arms were enjoyable to look at.  And he was bald...had shaved his head. I liked it.  Made him look younger.  I kinda like bald on some men. I think it is really sexy.  Blame it on Captain Picard of the USS Enterprise!

Well, karma was just lingering around us ready to kick our asses the first chance it got.  I kept hearing in my head to leave the past in the past.  Against my better judgement, I agreed to date him.  Oh boy!  Yes, we did have our upbringing in common, but that is where we part ways.  Twenty something years living different lives made us very different people.  He was a good man and he had such a big and generous heart.  I convinced him to buy his dream car - a Dodge Challenger - nice muscle car - black. He took me to Vegas in it for Christmas.  Great road trip!  Lots of great memories on Route 66. He just spoiled me in many ways.  I loved it.  I had not had a man spoil me ever - actually.  I needed that.  He was actually the first person I decided to get into a relationship with since my divorce a few years back.  I thought, why not, I know him and it felt easy and safe to me.

Twenty years front line infantry in the military does things to you.  He was quite ridgid and a serious control freak.  He had very set ideas about everything so discussions became quite one-sided.  Me being the flowing metaphysical type intrigued him but seriously confused him.  I began the habit of rolling my eyes constantly around him.  It was ridiculous.  All my friends saw the tension.  I was giving in constantly to him because I believe being happy is better than being right.  He actually told me that he is happy being right!

Now, you are probably thinking, what a miserable relationship.  Actually, it was quite fun in the beginning.  His heart was wide open for me.  I had never felt so loved and adored.  It was incredible!  So I put up with his ridgidity because he made up for it in other ways.  What an amazing lover!  Not because  he was technically savvy, but because he really loved me.  I was so able to trust him and be so open with him.  And, he was a real guy in bed!  He took control and ravished me like a wild animal.  Yay!  I loved being taken like that by a guy that really loved me.  It was intense and passionate and quite memorable.

So, all this to state the "naked truth."  And that is, you may not always be marriage compatible with your partner, but if you can deeply trust him/her and he/she deeply and openly loves you - the sex can be amazing!

And that's the "naked truth!"

Friday, February 25, 2011

Relationship Blahs!

Okay...so we all hit those relationship blahs where things aren't as fresh and new as before...the other person starts becoming irritating so you begin to wonder if he/she is the right fit for you.  I hate that!  Confusion is not my best friend.  What do you do?  I want to hear from any of you out there.  What have you done?  And I want the "naked truth" so no fudging!

Hope I hear from anyone, someone...crickets chirping...?