Saturday, July 17, 2010

Physical Attraction

Yes, eye candy is nice.  It's like looking at a beautiful sunset or a majestic mountain or a mesmerizing waterfall.  About 1% of the population (statistical fact) is born with a physically "perfect" body.  I am one of the normal ones in the 99% group.  Glad I am not one of the freaks in the 1% group!  lol! 

We are wired to be attracted to beauty.  Fact.  So when we see it, we take pause, gawk, etc.  However, we have been programmed by the media and mags and friends to believe that beauty is narrowly defined.  There is beauty in everything.  You just have to look for it sometimes.

I like nice looking men just like any woman.  I like a man with a nice body just like any woman.  Would I be so shallow as to blow him off if his body wasn't perfect or his face wasn't exactly the type I like?  It depends.  I have to find something about the guy that physically attracts me...his eyes, smile, arms, hands, voice, ass...and then his intellect, his mannerisms, the way he thinks, his kindness.  I like a nice combo of physical attraction with other personal characteristics.

I went out with a guy who was serious eye candy and he thought I was hot, too.  We were physically attracted to each other.  The sad thing was...nothing in common!  We had little to talk about.  It was kinda empty.  I can't date empty men who are just physically attractive and nothing else.  Doesn't work for me.

Now, I believe a man can do that.  Men don't like to talk much anyway.  They just like to gawk at beauty and then fuck it.  That sounds crude!  Not all men are like that, I know.  But it makes my point.  Physical attractiveness is SO important to a man.  They are very visually wired. 

For a woman, other things can be attractive about the guy - like how successful he is and how he wines and dines her can make him very attractive to a woman even though he may look as ugly as a dog.  Look at Bill Gates and Donald Trump - ugly men!  I don't think enough money could make me go out with men that ugly.  I would walk away from money for physical attractiveness....I think.

What is more shallow - money or physically attractiveness?  Actually, shallowness depends on you.  If you are a shallow person and make decisions based on surface matters...well, that's shallow.  However, if you are a person of depth and make your decisions based on truly important  reasons...then it is not shallow to want someone with money or who is physically attractive.  Examine your reasons.  Do your reasons have depth and importance?  If so, go for it.

And that's the "naked" truth!

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