Monday, July 5, 2010

Sexual Fantasy Man

Now it's time for less geeky stuff and more juicy "naked" stuff.  Are you with me girls and boys?  Do you have a sexual fantasy man girls?  I do.  He's actually from the recent past.  A REAL man, who has now become my sex fantasy!  Lol!  Now, you may have more than one...that's okay.  Depends on your mood, right?

It's not like men who have a fantasy girl for each day of the week like we girls had embroidered panties with the days of the week on them...remember?  Lol!  Anyway, men love variety.  We just like ONE GOOD MAN.  ONE GOOD MAN is all we need, right ladies?  No need for variety when one man is able to give you all you need.  Men don't get this.  For a man, every woman is different and strange and exotic.  That novelty is what turns a man on.  This is why a man needs, wants, and craves variety.  You can give him everything he wants in bed, but that does not mean he won't fantasize about some girl at work, some girl he saw at a club, some girl in a magazine, some girl driving down the road, some girl who just smiled at him at Starbucks, some girl he knew from way back when, and/or just some girl walking by.

Girls, you gotta get this.  It's important.  Men get bored with you no matter how hot you are or how good you are in bed.  If you don't change things up for them and dye your hair some new color, change your makeup, dress differently, wear a costume every once in a while, then...he will his mind or in real life.  Now, men stray for several reasons...boredom and because you are being a real unloving bitch to him. Men are actually quite sensitive creatures.  They really need your gentle touch and smile and feminine energy to keep them happy.  They actually just need your sexual energy.  That is what really gets a man going.  Your radiance is very sexy to a man....a serious turn on.

This is why men love younger women.  Younger women have a natural youthful radiance about them.  Their sexual energy is always on and flowing nicely.  These young things haven't been married with kids, divorced several times, boring career and just tired of life yet.  Life can really drain your radiance girls.  When this happens, doesn't matter what kind of face and body you have, no man will find you that attractive.

What to do?  Well, you always have sexual fantasy man, right?  He can only do so much.  I know.  So, how to get your radiance groove back...several ways.  I will cover a couple here, but this is not an exhaustive list.  Don't laugh, but prayer and meditation is one of the best ways to get that radiance back.  Yes girls!  I know you think I am just crazy for always bringing up spiritual matters and sex.  Well, they go hand in hand.  I am trying to unbrain wash you!

Radiance comes from Spirit.  It's that amazing life force energy that flows through all of us.  When a woman gets in touch with her deep spiritual side and falls in love with her Creator like her!  You will glow like a radioactive thingy-ma-jiggy!  Breathing while meditating on higher thoughts and spiritual matters will do the same thing.  Breathing oxygenates the blood.  Breathing with purpose to bring more radiance into your body is even better!

Do everything with INTENTION.  I will blog about that important topic later.

Back to breathing. You can breath that Kundalini energy awake by visualizing breathing into the 2nd chakra (orange) that is located right below your navel (belly button for those who have problems locating their anatomy).  This is the sexual energy center of the body...the creative center.  If it is closed, shut down, spinning the wrong direction - then you probably have creativity and sexual blocks in your life.  This can happen for many reasons that I won't go into here.  You know who you are.  I would suggest going to an alternative practitioner who can open and balance your chakras.  You can also do it yourself with intention, focus and meditation.  But if you have never done something like this before, go to someone the first time.  They can teach you.  There is a wealth of knowledge on the internet as well.  Just google Chakras and you will get an explanation about each one and what it represents and how each energy center effects your life.  I will talk more about chakras in other postings.

So, you got your radiance back. Great!  How do you keep it?  Well, don't waste it on men who just want to use your sexual energy as their sexual substitute but are unwilling to commit to you in a real relationship.  Men can suck this energy right out of us.  They thrive on this energy.  It gives them energy and power to conquer their world.  That is why they say that behind every great man is an even greater woman.  There is serious truth to that.  It's that woman's energy that makes that man so great.

So, you give it to a worthy man who respects you and puts you first in his life.

Many men who "play the field" get this energy from those young things they meet.  A man and woman do not have to actually have sex to exchange and give away this energy.  When you are attracted to someone and they are attracted to you, that energy is flowing between the two of you.  If you are on a simple date with a guy and things are going well, you are sending him this energy.  He may or may not be sending it back.  Over time, being around too many men and having them drain this energy from you is exhausting and ages you.  I feel for you girls that have to work with all men.  You are at a big disadvantage in that your radiance is constantly being sucked out of you by all those leering men....especially if you are an attractive woman.

One more way to get that radiance back...spend lots of time in the company of other women...good women who lift your spirits and are spiritual themselves.  Hang out around other radiant women.  Being around the goddess energy will fill you back up with the goddess energy men have drained from you.  Spending too much time with men...even male friends...not good.  They cannot give you that goddess energy.  Find a woman's group you resonate with and get your radiance groove back.

Now you see why men love the idea of harems?  A man walks into a room of young attractive women who think he is attractive and boom...he is hit with all this intense sexual energy.  He is on top of the is good...he can conquer anything.  Where do you think the idea of a "club" came from?  Most club owners are men and their goal is to get as many "hot" girls to their club as possible because that draws in the men who spend the money on the girls to get the sexual energy fix they need and want.  This is the reason porn and topless bars and dance bars are such a big business.  These are all sexual substitutes for men.  Very harmful to men and women alike because they disrespect the sacredness of our sexual nature and they can become addictive.

You are being used at these clubs girls...wake up!  I know they can be fun...just limit the amount of time you spend in those places.  They can be spiritually harmful after a while.

And that is the "naked" truth!

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